Pragma Conference 2024: SwiftUI animation under the hood
iOS dev • sketchnoting • accessibility • pineapple on pizza • sports • she/her
Pragma Conference 2024: SwiftUI animation under the hood
NSSpain 2023: SwiftUI ❤️ Metal
NSSpain 2023: Building UI components with SwiftUI
NSSpain 2023: SwiftUI animations - Chef's Secrets (workshop)
WWDC 2023: Build Accessible Apps with SwiftUI and UIKit
iOSDevUK 2022: Spark Your Creativity – The Power of iPad Playgrounds
iOSDevUK 2022: Preview and Package Oriented Programming
iOSDevUK 2022: Mysteries of SwiftUI TextView
iOSDevUK 2022: You've got a canvas. Now make some art!
iOSDevUK 2022: SwiftUI – The Greatest Hits of 2022
WomenWhoCode Mobile Summit 2022: Integrate SwiftUI Into a UIKit App
WWDC 2022: What's New in UIKit
WWDC 2022: Platforms State of the Union
WWDC 2021: Platforms State of the Union
SwiftHeroes 2021: How to think like a SwiftUI View Modifier
SwiftHeroes 2021: Combining SwiftUI and UIKit - AppClips and Widgets
SwiftHeroes 2021: Evolving Existing Projects with SwiftUI
iOS Interview Topic: Swift Evolution
NSSpain 2020: We're now Apple Platform Developers
NSSpain 2020: Choose your own SwiftUI Adventure
NSSpain 2020: SwiftUI Tales from the Hyperdeck
UIKonf 2020: Combine: Connect MIDI signals to SwiftUI
UIKonf 2020: SwiftUI Data Flow with Redux
UIKonf 2020: Prepping For a SwiftUI Future
AppBuilders 2020: Custom UI Components in SwiftUI
DevFest 2019: Understanding Declarative UI
WWDC 2019: Introducing Swift UI