AppBuilders 2020: Making Your Voice Heard
iOS dev • sketchnoting • accessibility • pineapple on pizza • sports • she/her
AppBuilders 2020: Making Your Voice Heard
AppBuilders 2020: Building a realtime video processor with Swift and Metal
AppBuilders 2020: UI Mode - Pitch Black
AppBuilders 2020: Custom UI Components in SwiftUI
AppBuilders 2020: Small Team - Big Open Source
AppBuilders 2020: Practical Machine Learning for iOS Apps
AppBuilders 2020: Accessibility for iOS
AppBuilders 2020: Apps for All: Making Software Accessible
AppBuilders 2020: Building Swift CLIs
AppBuilders 2020: Building Quantum Computers that empower society to solve the world's biggest problems
AppBuilders 2020: Getting Started with Combine
AppBuilders 2020: Property Wrappers or How Swift Decided to Become Java
AppBuilders 2020: UI Testing over the years