NSSpain 2023: Bug-Free by Design - Crafting Swift Code That Doesn't Sting
Detailed image description of the sketchnote
What is good code?
- Readable
- Maintainable
- Testable
- Nice to look at
- Correct
- Robust
- Performant
- Serves better UX
"Best code is code you don't write!" True.
defer {...}
`- Always called at "end' of finction
- cleanup code
- end tasks
- close files
We love compilertime checks!
Consistent UI updates
- show/hide activity loader us data vs error
- use enums
- use late lets to find bugs
Safer assets
- use enums
- have test for all assets & conform to
Safer identifiers
- use typealiases instead of strings directly
- makes them easier to find
- separate types
- safer API
Refactoring with the compiler
- use optional instead of -1
- use
private (set)